Universitas Satya Terra Bhinneka

Progressive Curriculum and Culture

Planting sustainability conciousness through institution culture and integrated curriculum

Universitas Satya Terra Bhinneka

Inclusive and Multicultural Environment

Become the home where diversity are accepted and celebrated by encouraging tolerance and anti-discrimination spirit

Universitas Satya Terra Bhinneka

Sinergy and Global Collaboration

Commitment to grow by prioritizing sinergy and global collaboration between stake holders and sectors

Universitas Satya Terra Bhinneka

Progressive Curriculum and Culture

Planting sustainability conciousness through institution culture and integrated curriculum

Universitas Satya Terra Bhinneka

Inclusive and Multicultural Environment

Become the home where diversity are accepted and celebrated by encouraging tolerance and anti-discrimination spirit

Statement from Founder of Sultan Iskandar Muda School Foundation

Salam Sejahtera, Assalamualaikum, Om Swastiastu, Namo Buddhaya, Salam Kebajikan, Horas

Starting from my restlessness observing the increase of social segregation, economic inequality as well as racial and religious discrimination, I decided to abandon my career of being a medical doctor and decided to establish Yayasan Perguruan Sultan Iskandar Muda (YPSIM). Apart from strengthening the value of unity in diversity, equality and sustainability, the foundation is also expected to be capable to facilitate the growth and development of the youths' passion and potential from different religious, racial and socio-economic background

To achieve that honorable dream, YPSIM operates from preschool, primary, junior high school, senior high school and vocational school. This year, on our 35th year, YPSIM is establishing the development of Satya Terra Bhinneka University. In accordance to its philosophy of its name, the university is designed to become an university that are aware and acknowledging diversity and sustainability with a full commitment to the truth of knowledge and human kindness. My wish is that Satya Terra Bhinneka University can bring forth alumnus that possessed global competence, but also mindful of diversity and offer a positive outcome on sustainable development

dr. Sofyan Tan

dr. Sofyan Tan

Ketua Dewan Pembina YPSIM

Anggota Komisi X DPR RI

Statement from Rector of Satya Terra Bhinneka University

In the midst of technological disruption and the looming climate crisis, the role of higher education in preparing competent and ecologically conscious future generations is becoming increasingly important.

To answer these challenges, Satya Terra Bhinneka University implements, first, holistic learning that integrates in-class and out-of-class sessions and encourages interdisciplinary courses,

Secondly, we recruit professional lecturers with domestic and international degrees, prepare adequate learning facilities and an inclusive college culture.

Third, we build a Centre for Research, Innovation, Sustainability, and Entrepreneurship to improve the quality of research and facilitate students' interest in entrepreneurship and innovation.

Fourth, we build networks and partnerships across stakeholders locally, nationally, and internationally to support learning that responds to current and future needs.

Fifth, building an academic ecosystem for lecturers and students that encourages optimal quality of learning, research, and community service.

With the belief that universities should be an "alma mater" (foster mother), we believe that universities should be a space where diversity is celebrated, inclusivity is nurtured, ecological awareness is strengthened, and student potential is supported to grow.

We believe that with such collaborative and visionary efforts, Satya Terra Bhinneka University can become a leading campus in Indonesia that incorporates "green curriculum" and the concept of inclusivity into learning while remaining adaptive to, and innovative in response to, accelerating industry needs and pressing social issues.

Let's grow together with Satya Terra Bhinneka University.

Dr. Tracey Yani Harjatanaya, B.A., M.A., M.Sc, DPhil,

Dr. Tracey Yani Harjatanaya, B.A., M.A., M.Sc, DPhil,

Rektor Universitas Satya Terra Bhinneka

Kembangkan potensi dan kompetensi diri di

Universitas Satya Terra Bhinneka

  • Lingkungan belajar yang suportif dan inklusif
  • Dosen yang kompeten, berpengalaman, dan berdedikasi tinggi
  • Fasilitas penunjang yang memadai
  • Kurikulum terintegrasi dan berkelanjutan


Secara berkelanjutan, Universitas Satya Terra Bhinneka akan menyelenggarakan Fakultas dan Program Studi yang relevan dengan kebutuhan pasar yang terus berubah

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

Fakultas Teknologi dan Ilmu Komputer

Fakultas Kesehatan

Fakultas Pertanian dan Kehutanan

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